Healthy Mouth-Healthy Heart

It’s February and of course that means Valentine’s Day, but did you know February is also National Heart Health month? While you are busy taking care of your sweetheart, don’t forget to take care of your heart too!

Heart disease is the number one killer for both men and women in the United States, but it is the most preventable. There are many things we can do to improve our heart health like being more active, eating better, and stop smoking, but did you know oral heath can be linked to heart health as well?

Studies have shown that people with moderate to advanced gum disease are at far greater risk for heart disease than those with healthy gums. Swollen bleeding gums are full of bacteria that can enter your blood stream and spread throughout your body. This bacteria can contribute to inflammation of your hearts arteries. While fats and cholesterol can clog our arteries, inflammation can play a big role as well. Inflammation causes your heart arteries to thicken, and when this thickening becomes extensive, your artery blocks blood flow to a portion of your heart leading to a heart attack.

From our heart to yours, the team at Summit Dental wants to remind you to brush twice a day, floss nightly, and don’t forget to get your teeth cleaned regularly.

-Michelle Heiner RDH